This is a Mall 3MG that I have had tucked away for 2-3 years and never really gave much thought to what it actually was. It is evident that I am parcial to big old gear drives. I passed up on this the first time it was offered but took it the second time in a trade along with a Lombard 681 Fury (which also needs pictured and displayed as they are both amazing saws). This Mall 3MG I am still in the process of really looking into and seeing the complete workings. They built this into a beast of a saw. Short lived with only a hand full made and short production period, this is a saw that was either the fore front or chasing the pack, as saws were being made by several other companies with a gear drive PTO to meet a demand. I believe it was over hyped for the need of torque.
If it had a low RPM this saw could handle a MUCH longer bar but it was never offered with such. Users saw this and quickly learned at their own expense. The market needed a balanced chainsaw; this was the writting on the wall and was quickly surpassed by the other manufacturers and discontinued or re-done into the next genereation of Mall saws.
Rare Mall 3MG chainsaw #9 | Rare Mall 3MG chainsaw #2 | Rare Mall 3MG chainsaw #11 |
Rare Mall 3MG chainsaw #6 | Rare Mall 3MG chainsaw #3 | Rare Mall 3MG chainsaw #10 |
Rare Mall 3MG chainsaw #5 | #1 Rare Mall 3MG chainsaw | Rare Mall 3MG chainsaw #4 |
Rare Mall 3MG chainsaw #7 | Rare Mall 3MG chainsaw #8 |
Vintage rare Mall chainsaw 3MG
Vintage chainsaws
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